How to be patient when chasing big goals in the water

Don Henshaw
One of the key things swimmers learn over the course of the season is what it takes to improve in the water.
Things like:
✅ What warm-ups work best
✅ What pre-sets work best
✅ The right self-talk to use during hard sets
✅ The right mindset to use when under-performing
✅ How they can still swim well even if they are tired
And so on.
These little moments of learning are what fuels improvement.
This sounds simple, and it is, which is maybe why so many athletes skip through this type of reflective work with their own swim training.
Beyond providing real-time feedback on what high-performance swimming is for you, learning how you improve also helps you be patient for the journey.
If you perpetually expect overnight results or for things to improve faster than your effort deserves, you will get frustrated and impatient and be tempted to quit.
Instead, learn from what you are doing in the water.
“You are trying to learn from the work,” said Aaron Piersol, Olympic champion and still the world record holder in the 200m backstroke. “And then you see the results. I knew it was going to be a long journey.”
Patience can be hard to find on days when we are trying to accelerate to a gold medal finish at the end of the season.
But by pausing to learn and reflect on your process, it will give you some of that patience necessary to chase big goals in the water.


See you in the pool,




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